I have a question regarding shimmer sensors and GeneAktiv sensors.
1- The shimmer sensors in the study which is said to detect bradykinesia, are the displaying Acceleration signals in their raw data?
And if yes, what was the point in adding GeneAktiv and Pebble sensors if also the Shimmer detects Acceleration?
2- Another thing is that, its stated that the GeneAktiv is on th dominant hand, but I wasn't finding where the GeneAktiv was located on the patients. Which hand of theirs is the dominant?
or should we look at the UPDRS test values?
3- Its stated that if any data is to be used and published, we should publish it in an open source journal. Is it possible to publish something in IEEE explore as a conference paper, regarding the use of one or more patient data?
Joseph Babayan
Created by Joseph Babayan JoeBabayan @JoeBabayan
The publication requirements are outlined in the [Data Use Agreement](syn20681023/wiki/594686). See item 7. This is true for any data used from this study.
Solly Dear,
regarding question 3 again:
If for instance we want to use a patients's data, all we have to do, is say that this is done at Micheal J. Fox foundation?
Anything else to do?
Joseph @JoeBabayan -
1. All 3 of these wearables measure acceleration. Shimmer data is only available for a subset of the study subjects.
2. The device location is reported in the `device_position` column in the `Sensor Data - Part I` and `Sensor Data - Part II` tables
3. If the paper reprint is available to attendees and non-attendees at no cost, then that would be fine. If there is a cost to access the Conference Proceedings, then this would not be acceptable by the data use restrictions.