
Created By Kyle Ellrott kellrott
PI|First Line Analysis Result|Synapse ID(s) Nuria Lopez-Bigas|List of candidate drivers obtained with OncodriveFM, with associated q-value|syn1701498 Nuria Lopez-Bigas|List of candidate drivers obtained with OncodriveCLUST, with associated q-value|syn1701498 Cyriac Kandoth|List of candidate drivers obtained with MuSiC?s SMG tests, with associated q-values|syn1713813 Cyriac Kandoth|Sequencing coverage across samples|syn1695394 Cyriac Kandoth|Per-sample mutation rates normalized to available sequencing coverage|syn1713813 Cyriac Kandoth|Pancan12 MAFs in hg19, using Ensembl 69 gene names, and concatenated|syn1710680 Gad Getz|MutSig analysis for the pancan12 dataset|syn1715784 Rameen Beroukhim|Absolute allelic copy-number determinations across cancer types|syn1710464 Gad Getz|ISAR-GISTIC analyses across the pan-cancer set and subsets|syn1703335 Gad Getz|dRanger analysis of WGS data from many tumor types|Second line? Gad Getz|BreakPointer analysis of WGS data from many tumor types|Second line? Hadjipanayis|Copy number analysis with BICSeq across different tumor types completed, GISTIC plot completed and annotations|syn1714065 Hadjipanayis|Structural Variation analysis complete across different cancers with Meerkat and BreakDancer|syn1709911 Matt Meyerson|List of alternatively spliced exons and quantifications of these splicing events for a subset of 3-6 types.|syn1701264 Wei Zhang|MIRACLE matrix: 3p and 5p expression levels for precursor miRNAs|syn1701282 Anders Jacobson|355 genes displaying significant (FDR < 1e-5) recurring expression anti-correlation with miRNA(s) across 11 cancer types (PANCAN12 except LAML)|syn1715776 Wei Li|Alternative polyadenylation quantification for all or a subset of PanCan tumors.|syn1701223 Eric Larsson|"Orphan" focal alterations that affect ncRNAs|Second Line? Christina Leslie|Alternative cleavage and polyadenylation analyses relative to an experimentally defined atlas of human 3' transcript ends|syn1701535 Mark Hamilton|Seed/snv intersections and expression data from the TCGA whitelist tumors.|syn1703131 Han Liang|List of prediction definitions|syn1710282 Larsson Omberg|Survival Prediction Challenge|syn1710282 Chuck Perou|pancan12 RNA-seq matrix (deprecated due to batch effect!)|syn1695418 |pancan12 RNA-seq matrix (batch corrected)|syn1715755 Katie Hoadley|Global mRNA-seq based subtypes based on tissue-dependent data, batch corrected (DWD or EB)|syn1715788 Katie Hoadley|Module-level activities inferred from mRNA-seq for pancan12|syn1715894 Rehan Akbani|List of genes to remove to mitigate batch effects|syn1715786 Gordon Robertson|miRNA subtypes within each tumor-type for all pancan12 tumor types except GBM.|syn1688309 Gad Getz|CNA based subtypes from a global cross-tumor type analysis of all pancan12 tumors.|syn1712130 Ronglai Shen|iCluster subtypes for global cross-tumor comparisons|syn1729611 Hui Shen|DNA methylation subtypes for within tumor type subtypes for all pancan12 tumor types|syn1701558 |Gene-level event calls (amps, dels, methylated, overexpressed,...)|syn1741363 Dimitris Anastassiou|Attractor metagenes from global analysis of pancan12|syn1696701 |Tissue-subtracted data for all pancan12 platforms|syn1347771 Rehan Akbani|Tissue-dependent RPPA subtypes|syn1750330 Nuria Lopez-Bigas|High Confidence Mutational Drivers|syn1962006