UUID Pairs for Mutation Calling

Created By Melissa Cline MelissaCline1548540
Given the aliquot UUIDs from the pancan12 and pancan18 whitelists, we have assembled lists of the tumor/normal sequence data pairs from the whitelists, suitable for mutation calling. Each pair consists of analysis UUIDs of a tumor sequence file and a normal sequence file from the same patient, where both the tumor and normal sequence files are from the whitelist. So for anyone wishing to do mutation calling on the whitelist data, we have already done the ID mapping for you. Each line in each file contains the following fields: Aliquot_id: the aliquot UUID of the first sample, as found in the whitelist Participant_id: the UUID of the participant whose tissue was the source of that aliquot Genome: the reference genome used in the mapping of the sequence data Library_Strategy; the assay type in question Analysis_ID_1: analysis UUID of the first sequence data Sample_Type_1: sample type code of the first sequence data Analysis_ID_2: analysis UUID of the second (paired) sequence data Sample_Type_2: sample type code of the second sequence data In each case, the analysis UUIDs identify BAMs that are available at CGHub. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Melissa Cline at cline@soe.ucsc.edu
