
Created By Kyle Ellrott kellrott
This data archive contains the miRNA expression data for cancer samples of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project. The experiments were performed by the BCCA Genome Sciences Centre in BC using the miRNA-Seq approach on the Illumina platform. Please see DESCRIPTION.txt in the mage-tab for algorithm description of the data protocols. The .adf file format describing miRNA annotations is as follows: MiRNA ID miRBase version genome version and coordinates as ::-: precursor sequence mature strand coordinates relative to precursor coordinates, as - mature strand accession alternate mature strand coordinates, if provided by miRBase alternate mature form accession star strand name, if provided by miRBase star strand form accession The .mirna.quantification.txt data file describing summed expression for each miRNA is as follows: miRNA name raw read count reads per million miRNA reads cross-mapped to other miRNA forms (Y or N) The .isoform.quantification.txt data file describing every individual sequence isoform observed is as follows: miRNA name alignment coordinates as ::-: raw read count reads per million miRNA reads cross-mapped to other miRNA forms (Y or N) region within miRNA

freeze: tcga_pancancer_v4
acronym: BRCA
disease: cancer
species: Homo sapiens
fileType: genomicMatrix
platform: IlluminaHiSeq_miRNASeq
whitelist: pancan12-whitelist-2012_12_18.whitelist
tissueType: breast
dataSubType: miRNA
lastUpdated: 2012-10-17
sampleSetType: normal