**Welcome to all interested applicants**!
Please introduce yourself and your scientific interests to the community.
We can use this as a forum to meet other interested scientists and to potentially meet new collaborators!
-> If you are a public health scientist with a data set that can be analyzed based on some hypotheses you have, do explain your problem and maybe you can find data scientists who may have the right expertise here's a ([primer](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/531850) for you on data science)
-> If you are data scientist, you can talk about your expertise (say in image processing or large data sets) and your interest in public health (here's a [primer](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/531849) for you maternal and public health)
Created by Rukmini Kumar Rukmini I would be interested as I am clinician (Obstetrician and Gynaecologist), but I don't know how to get it.
Hello everyone! Great to see a group of inter-disciplinarians coming together to create knowledge. Could anyone please share if the grant will accept proposals again around similar time in 2019?
My name is Arjun Gupta and I founded Genetico last year that focusses on genomics and genetics. We are building compliant software systems for clinicians (etc.) to collect and maintain phenotypic information for patients suspected with genetic conditions. Our platform would also provide tools to draw pedigree charts, record growth measurement (head, feet, etc.), get diagnostic assistance, inheritance patterns, etc., which are frequent observed in genetic patients. Additionally, there are a set of high impact tools that could uniquely serve the patients and their clinicians (& families) suffering from rare diseases in India.
I am still researching if we could be potential collaborators for this grant but if you work with similar patients/ data, I would love to know more and explore potential collaborations within or beyond the framework of this grant.
Warm regards,
arjun (at) genetico (dot) in Hi,
Does anyone know anything about when the results will be out?
Thanks Hi Everyone, I am Subrat and I am working with a small group of researchers from BITS and Purdue on epigenetic interventions for maternal and child health. Our team has good experience with modern statistical tools(especially multivariate time series modeling), and I would love to connect for future collaboration if you are working in this domain. Cheers!
Also, has anyone received updates on the proposals recently ? Yes, Vijay who posted it from chennai for our team, said he had to spend some tense moments. As rukmini madam said, this was expected. In future will try to post 24 hours earlier.
Rukmini madam
kindly do not close this thread for another six months.
All major industry give rise to ancillary units. Working for this project has given rise to several ideas like ancillary units. Ancillary ideas, I am sure can be discussed in this forum. That could act like a seed for some one.
This one for people from data science to develop mathematical models
Point one : All of us till about five years ago had subsidies for cooking gas. Then, even now for electricity in several states, disel and petrol.
Now I have utilised say 1000 rupees worth of subsidy in august, my wife 1000 rupees, my working daughter 800 rupees.
Point two: In my street, some wealthy people park their car outside. How should the corporation charge them, assuming that parking charges touch 30 rupees opposite our bus stand in vellore, for 24 hours.
If a mathematical model gives a number, then we can spend for public cause an equivalent amount.
Can such things be discussed in this forum?
your opinion
Hello @Brijesh
I think last minute glitches were expected based on the amount of submissions etc.
Do contact BIRAC on their email, they are very prompt in getting back.
Hope everyone had a fun and exciting time applying for the grant! And no one at the reception would pick the phone. We have been trying for last couple of hours repeatedly. Did anyone face difficulty submitting the proposal today.
We had tough time, with frequent timeout and server not responding errors. thanks madam. to night our team helyxon at IIT_M research park will post the write up @arulalan and all others burning the midnight oil to write the best grant possible....
Hang in there! This is a worthy goal and we are so happy that so many talented scientists and practitioners are interested and putting in their best efforts into this.
We really hope we have the core of an active community here that we can build around for Evidence based decision making in public health in India.
Good luck to all the teams :)
few things did not change in the last 40 years . pumping in the last minute to write a 2 page note. all ego bursted. what appeared as fairly simple to attempt, complex to spend hours now appears as a big ocean with unfathomable depth. . only silver lining - the end is just 36 hour ahead
thanks for the experience
Hello Hello @ADimri and others interested in detailed questions on grant mechanisms...
Please reach out directly to BIRAC on their website. BIRAC administers the grant and will be able to give answers on specific questions. The team there Arpita Gupta and Arshi Mehboob are very responsive and quick.
Happy Grant Writing to all!! Hi Aditi Dimri,
I worked in the Yorkshire Deanery, England as a Specialist Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology . I was there from 2001-2008. Still registered with GMC and Fellow of RCOG.
Now I work in Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, as Associate Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. If you think I could be one of your collaborators, I would be happy to, please let me know.
Do let me know the topic of your proposal/hypothesis.
Email: uma.pandey2006@yahoo.com
MD (BHU), FRCOG (London), FICOG, FIAOG thanks ramya madam,
yes briac web site gave it
the main content was the 2 page rule. that was there
arulalan Hi @Rukmini,
Thanks a lot for all your tips and encouragement here!
I have a specific question on the eligibility. Sorry if this does not concern you.
We are planning to apply as a team of 3 researchers (1 economist/data scientist, 1 gynecologist, 1 public health specialist) applying under the category of:
NGO established in India
We are all citizens of India. Two are based in India working in the NGO under which we will apply.
I too am an Indian citizen, but I am based in United Kingdom and work as a researcher in a University.
**Question: should I apply as one of the co-applicants or as a collaborator?**
Given that I am not based in India & am employed in a university in United Kingdom.
Many thanks,
Aditi Dimri Hi all Hello all,
I am a data scientist based out of Hyderabad. I would like to explore this challenge with my skillset.
I have experience with python data science libraries and Deep Learning Frameworks for data analytics.
If anyone is interested to collaborate or discuss about the proposal, please feel free to contact me.
Email id: saket.sinha89@gmail.com
My Profile : www.linkedin.com/in/saket-sinha-nvidia
Saket Sinha Hi Rukmani,
We went through submission portal and directed us to a questionnaire page. However, initially, it stated that we were to submit a 2-page document and we've prepared in that format. So. is there an email-id where we can mail this RFP document to?
Thanks in advance!
Hello all,
I am a computational biologist from CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi. I would like to apply my knowledge on machine learning and network science approach to this challenge. I work mostly in R and python. If anyone is interested to collaborate or discuss about the proposal, please feel free to contact me.
Email id: rintu.kutum@igib.in
Twitter : https://twitter.com/rintukutum
All the best! Welcome @krishnac10 , @aditiapte, @shridhargune , @drswati !
On to your questions
@krishnac10 : No limitations on clinical hypotheses only. Addressing concerns on delivery is perfectly reasonable!
@shridhargune : Several clinicians and domain experts from Pune - please reach out and connect with them as potential collaborators!
@arulalan and others - Still working on posting the slides online. But all the content in the slides is also on the BIRAC website. Hi Everyone...This is Dr Swati Ghonge ,Assistant Professor ,Community Medicine ,Dr D Y Patil Medical College, Pune.....Nice to see discussion here...It would be great if v can see some sample of grant proposals. Hello All,
This is Shridhar Gune. I am co-founder and CTO at Blue Pearl Health Tech Pvt Ltd in Pune, India. We are aspiring to build solutions for Health care domain leveraging Data science. We can bring engineering capabilities in addressing the challenge. It would be data scientists, infrastructure, project and program management. Happy to collaborate with interested minds. You can get in touch with me at shridhargune@gmail.com Hello,
I am Dr. Aditi Apte , MD (Pharmacology) working in the area of maternal and child health with KEM Hospital Research Centre, Pune. Hi Ms. Rukmini,
I am Krishna, i am a data scientist interested in the competition. I would like to understand on kinds of hypothesis that would be valid for the competition. As an example
Should the problem hypothesis be only clinical in nature? (or) Can hypothesis on impact of delivery system strengthening on health outcomes will also be considered valid?
Can you please let me know
rukmini madam, the ppt which said how to prepare the proposal in 1000 words
can you please post it here
Welcome @kiruthika & @JJoseph & @suneetha !
Hope you find collaborators and friends! I am very happy in LatentView's interest - you guys bring a lot of expertise in data analytics!
@VeenaEkbote , there is no example proposal, but we hope the very detailed guidelines in the RFP will be useful. Given that this a grant that can take many different angles (basic science to econometrics etc) and can use very different data sources and techniques - any single example may be very limiting.
Hi, I am Dr Jessy Joseph working as a Program Specialist in IAVI. Hello everyone,
This is Kiruthika, I'm posting this on behalf of my organization, LatentView Analytics, a leading data analytics firm based out of Chennai. We are looking to collaborate with experts from the health care domain. Kindly reach out if interested in partnering with us. You can contact us through kiruthika.rajendiran@latentview.com.
Wishing everyone the best! ramya madam,
regarding the ppt posted at the gate show at IITM
is it possible to post them in the discussion forum
thanks in advance @Ramya2018 My mail ID - chandana.dng@gmail.com
Chandana. Hi chandana
Kindly share your email id with us.
@Ramya2018 Definitely..Happy to collaborate with you:-)
to day morning I attended the road show at IITM
Very happy, because, only for disease doctors come in. For health every body should be there.
Students, CMI people, public health people, our pediatric professor retired now, all were there
they talks were clear and to the point.
for the first time for me - the speakers finished the schedule talk in time,
so we had sufficient time for discussion
thanks to a delay in arrival of tea
we could interact with every member.
I entered, not for the grant, but sculpt my self ( to use prakash padukone words)
I think I have started running in the correct road
arulalan Hello Rukmini!
This is Dr. Veena Ekbote from the H.C.Jehangir Medical Research Institute, Pune.
We are interested in the grant. The discussion during your Pune outreach has provided many guidelines for preparation of the proposal.
However, is there any format for submission of the 2 pages? Or do we have to register and only then we will find the format? Hi I am Dr Suneetha, a mental health researcher with past PI experience in govt. projects, currently working as Sr. Asst Professor (Counseling Psychologist) at MVGR College of engineering, A.P. I am planning to work on mental health of pregnant women specifically trying to find out the concurrent bio-socio-psychological factors with an aim to do predictive analysis of postpartum depression. I am seeking co-investigators with Data mining/analytics and obn/gyn researchers. We will be using _ki_data.
You can reach me at sunikandi@yahoo.com Good evening everybody
My name is Dr.K.V.Arulalan, I am primary care pediatrician at Vellore. I finished MBBS in 1985 and MD in 1990 and my objective since then is to prevent unnecessary hospital visits. To do this we need to see problems making to children to visit hospital, from 4 major groups point of view: family, local community, district and state administration and finally national and international matters. To explain a simple diarrhoea case: at house hold level clean environment, hand washing after using toilet. At community level : periodic cleaning of over head tank in the street and chlorination. At district level - steps for sanitation , adequate number health staff and at national level steps to provide free Rota virus vaccine ( which has been done). To this we need to use translational research policy: from laboratory benches to clinical bed side to public health roads.
Several people and principles have inspired me. At present working with a IIT M research park company in providing communication tool between parents doctors and para medical workers Hi Chandana,
Is it possible to collaborate with Diti solutions regarding Ki Data challenge project. Hello all,
I am only facilitating this grant and not available as a collaborator!
This discussion board should be a good place to find collaborators.
Please do be elaborate in your profile on (i) what data sets you have in your possession (ii) what clinical/public health domain expertise you have & (iii) what skills in modeling/data science you have and what kinds of data you can work with.
Do feel free to have one-on-one conversations if that is more comfortable than this board.
Welcome to @DrTandale and @chandananv!
Happy collaborating and grant writing!
And look forward to events coming up in Chennai and Bengaluru!
Hi Everyone,
I am Chandana. I am founder and CEO of Diti Solutions Pvt Ltd which is into R&D and Skill Development programs in Bio-technology industry.
I am from a IT background with 15 years of exp. with exposure in Legacy, Data Warehouse, Big Data and Data science domains.
Currently, I am working on "ki data challange for maternal and child health under Grand challenges India".
Good to know and collaborate with you all!!!!
Chandana. Hello!
I am Dr Babasaheb Tandale, MD working as Scientist E (Medical - Epidemiologist) at ICMR- National Institute of Virology Pune. Dear Rukmini,
Kindly look at the enlisted research projects related to MCH.
1.Soocio-Cultural Dimensions of Sustainability of Sensitizing Self Help Groups (SHGs) to Reproductive-health via Empowerment and Engagement (SSSTREE)
2.A special nutrition study for Mission Against Malnutrition Project in Bellary district Development of Nutrition Policy for the State of Karnataka
3.Empowerment and Engagement of Community in Strengthening Child Health among Tribal Population
4.?Pre-testing of IEC Materials on Nutrition Intervention (MIYCN) for Behavioural Change Strategy in UP and Bihar
5.Short Programme Review of Child Health in Karnataka
I am deeply interested in Stunting and the factors affecting like genetic and socio economic factors.
Kindly guide me how to go about? Is it possible to collaborate with yourself?
Please share your email id for further discussions.
After careful thought our project will be on "to assess whether there are increased chances of postpartum haemorrhage among anaemic mothers? "Topic of proposal "PPH and Anaemia". I need collaborators please to analyse exiting data.
Uma. Welcome @stulasip and @shridhargune!!
Hope you find general information on the grant and potential collaborators here.
@Uma4 Collaborators are really based on your project needs and either people that you have worked with before or are meeting here (like@stulasip) are all potential collaborators.
There is no sample proposal - please follow guidelines from the [grant call](http://www.birac.nic.in/grandchallengesindia/pages.php?pid=35) for details.
Also there is an outreach events are scheduled for Pune (16 July), Chennai (24 July) and Bangalore (25 July).. Please look for details in [News Updates](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/581902) Hello All,
This is Shridhar Gune. I am co-founder and CTO at Blue Pearl Health Tech Pvt Ltd in Pune, India. We are into technology based Health care products. Currently offering SaaS based Diagnostics management platform. I am from IT background, before starting this company I worked with Infosys for more than 13 years primarily in Technology Architecture and New solution development areas.
I was introduced to this initiative by Venture center in Pune. We are aspiring to build solutions for Health care domain leveraging Data science. We can bring engineering capabilities in addressing the challenge. It would be data scientists, infrastructure, project and program management. Happy to collaborate with interested minds.
My profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shridhargune/ Hi Tulsi Prasad Ji,
I am interested in collaborating with you.
Please let me know your response. Hai Rukmini,
I am Tulasi Prasad Sariki, Assistant Professor, SCSE, VIT University Chennai. I am teaching the Data Science & Working on few projects in the Data Science area! If anybody interested in collaboration with Me, Please let me know.
thanks & regards,
Tulasi Prasad
Can I have a model proposal on the basis of which we can write? Thank you. That clarifies a bit.
Who could be collaborators? I was thinking:
1. A Professor from UK
2. Ex-Senior Lecturer from the UK, working in Qatar
3. Consultant Statician from Banaras Hindu University
4. Professor and Head, dept of Obs & Gynae, Banaras Hindu University.
Please confirm. Based on some questions received over email...
This grant is **not for novel data collection**, but rather to analyze existing data.
So if you want to work on understanding 'maternal diabetes and it's effect on fetus OR/AND precelampsia and its effect on baby' but have no data of your own.. these are some things you can do...
i. Please explore the data available within the ki database http://studyexplorer-india.hbgdki.org/
This may have some studies that has collected data on the questions you are interested in .
ii. Explore publicly available data sets in India - some of which have been collated for your convenience under "Public Data" https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/531851
iii. Review existing literature on the subject https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=gestational+diabetes+burden+India
iv. State your hypotheses that you would like to investigate clearly and the next steps
For example
-> Women with lower SES (socio-economic-status) and gestational diabetes have smaller babies than similar women in higher SES
-> Preeclampsia is a bigger burden in rural vs. urban communities
And what your steps of research would be to go from integrating existing data and knowledge available to you.
**What do you think ? Other ideas welcome!!**
I am a clinician (Associate Professor in the dept of Obs & Gyne, Banaras Hindu University). I have no data but I want to do project on maternal diabetes and it's effect on fetus and baby OR/AND precelampsia and its effect on fetus and baby. Please collaborate with me. Welcome @Ramya2018 !
The goal is for scientists such as yourself to be able to use already collected data. What kinds of studies have you undertaken and what kind of data have you collected? Do you have hypotheses that can be rigorously evaluated based on the data you already have? In order to do that if you need to collaborate with data scientists, this grant is a great way to find collaborators (in this discussion group) and launch such a collaboration.
No data approaches are specified for the grant. Whatever is suited to your problem and dataset. Click link for a [primer](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/531850) on data science approaches.
Also stay tuned for an announcement of an outreach event in Bangalore at SJRI in the next 2 weeks! Dear Rukmini,
I am Ramya working for IIHMR Bangalore as Research officer we undertake studies related to public health . I have a keen interest on maternal and child health studies.
Recently I came across your grand call for KiData Challenge for Maternal and Child Health . I would like to apply for the call. Kindly guide me on what kind of data approaches you are using.
Ramya Welcome @uma4! It'd help if you indicated your area of interest and whether you have access to data sets that can be further analyzed in collaboration with a data scientist. Or if you have hypotheses that can be explored using public data sets such as ${buttonlink?text=data sources&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Esynapse%2Eorg%2F%23%21Synapse%3Asyn12138866%2Fwiki%2F531851} Namaskar.
I am Dr Uma Pandey, working as Associate Professor in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP. I am a clinician. I greatly acknowledge your work as scientist. I would like to collaborate with you and work for "ki data challange for maternal and child health under Grand challenges India.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks you. Welcome @ranadip0784 ! Hi All,
My Self Dr. Ranadip Chowdhury, Working as Research Scientist at Society for Applied Studies, New Dlhi @drumesh01 please welcome to this discussion forum! I am Rukmini Kumar, a data scientist from Vantage Research in Chennai. I have been working for 2 years with the _knowledge integration (ki) _group in the Gates Foundation in Seattle (http://hbgdki.org/) on developing mechanistic models of malnutrition in children. I am excited to help facilitate this grant for the_ ki _and look forward to interacting with interested scientists.
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